
The Ark Aid Street Mission was founded in 1984. Since then it has grown in its mandate to serve people who live on the margins of society. The Ark, as it is popularly known, is a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, supported by a wide variety of local people, churches and businesses. The motivating factor of the Board, staff, volunteers and donors is to practically express Christian faith and love where they are needed most.


Ed Wilson

Vice Chair

Amy Ford

Executive Director

Sarah Campbell


Amariee Collins
Ben Muller
Bernard Tangelder
Lisa Malbrecht
Maureen Hodgins

Financial Information (FY 2022)

Referring ToAmount
Current Assests
Long-term Assets
Total Assets1,738,959
Current Liabilities260,318
Long-term Liabilities734,969
Fund Balance743,672
Total Liabilities & Equity1,738,959
Referring ToAmount
Total Income2,483,558
Total Expenses2,903,192
Excess of Revenue Over Expenditure(419,614)

Canada Revenue Agency Registration Number

Mailing Address:
Ark Aid Street Mission
696 Dundas St. E
London, ON
N5W 2Z4

Telephone: 519-667-0322
FAX: 226-289-3045